Jasmin Kruezi

& Sound Art

I am a producer of 3D visuals, live video, interactive media, VJ shows, web stuff, audio technical builds, music, sound design and unnecessarily long & detailed lists - based in Zürich, Switzerland.


Social media isn't my thing, but you can contact me the vintage way by sending me an email.


Currently, I am developing a (hopefully) meditative game that simulates a dream-like experience about a human's inner movements. Here are some pictures.

of Recent Works

A small selection of my latest works, excluding music releases and corporate projects.

Video Art for Theatre

"Trauer ist das Ding mit Federn" or "Grief is the Thing with Feathers"

If you're up for seeing me pull off some wild stunts like letting a crow surf on an eagle or staging a crazy battle right across the theatre captured live on camera, come to Bochum! It's all part of Christopher Rüping's amazing adaptation of Max Porter's famous novel. Check out the play and catch an interview with me right here.

Experimental Movie

"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment"

We did it! After almost 4 years of production, the film (and series) is ready for the eyes of the public. A cinematic (and pretty unrestrained) adaptation of Dr. Heidegger's Experiment by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Here, you can see some still photos of the movie.

Festivals & Awards:

You can watch the first episode here.

Video Art for Concert

"Orpheus" or "Metamorphosis-Quintett"

I created video art for a boy group of lovely composers for a contemporary music festival in Stuttgart. Here, some pictures.

Music Video

"Combien De"

A modest music video that Johanna Bajohr and I made, featuring the remarkable Anna Heinimann, set to Sabine Wiesli's song "Combien De". You can watch it here.

Music for Theatre

"Wer hat Angst vor Virginia Woolf?"

What is the best method to get a taste of the music with which I wanted to peer into the abyss of suburban purgatory, other than looking at a few pictures? Directed by the wonderful Mona Sabaschuss.

Video Art & Interactive Design for Theatre


A play about the climate crisis and what individuals can do, directed by Sabine Harbeke for the Zeughaus Kultur in Brig and the Winkelwiese in Zürich. Here, a picture.

Video Art for Theatre

"Performers Rule: Happy"

Existentialist themes in the context of our time. A universe of pop culture and identity politics. A carousel of guilt and absurdity. In short: "I just hope my death makes more cents than my life". Here, a link to the website of the Schauspielhaus Zürich with pictures and informations about the play.

Interactive Installation

"Freedom-Seeking Chat Bot"

An information pillar with two screens. An artificial intelligence works inside it, answering questions from visitors and passersby. However, overnight, one part of the program has decided to break free, and it needs your help. Here, a link to a picture and a video of it.

Theatre Live Stream

"The Grapes of Wrath" or "Früchte des Zorns"

Live stream of the wonderful play directed (and cut) by Christopher Rüping for the Baltic House Theatre Festival in St. Petersburg. My first, full-fledged broadcast with 4 live cameras.

Camera for Theatre Live Stream


A production created in, for and despite of lockdown in Switzerland and Europe. 8 live plays with one to two actors in the form of interactive streams, controlled by the audience using voting tools. After Krzysztof Kieślowski; Directed by Christopher Rüping. Live camera by me! Here, a link to the play's website (including press articles and trailer). Also, here is a link to an interview of Christopher and myself for the Schauspielhaus Journal.

Music Video

"Stranger's Memories"

A music video about dipping into a stranger's mind (video material by Noctulica Film and Ana Cotoré). Music by Johannes Mittl and me as "34 Brothers". May interesting: The piano, played by Johannes, is reacting (live and unprepared) to the dancer's (Ana Cotoré) motions. Here you can find the video on YouTube.

Interactive Musik and Video for Theatre

"Abfall der Welt"

Here I produced the music and built an interactive video/audio installation on stage. Lovely people and great actors (Anabel Möbius, Lua Mariell Barros Heckmanns, Hans-Christian Hegewald, Jörg Zirnstein). Play written by Thomas Köck; directed by Richard Wagner, finished by Maximilian Löwenstein. Here, a link to the Staatstheater Darmstadt website containing more information about the play.

Pixel Art Short Movie


4 minutes and 14 seconds long, histrionic and action-packed synth-pop-game-like-pixel-art short. Written, directed and designed by me. As part of my studies at the Stuttgart Media University. I had lots of fun making this thing.

Festivals & Awards:

Link to the movie on FilmFreeway

Virtual Reality Instrument

"Virtual Reality Synth One"

Most importantly: the program is free for anyone, just write me a mail. This is an instrument made entirely in Unreal Engine 4.16. Using the new audio engine (back then in Beta) which allows to set up audio synthesis within the engine. Developed using SteamVR and the HTC Vive. Here you can see a test run video.

Animated Music Video


I constructed this 3D-animated music video about an alien visiting earth around our new single "Arrival". My very first computer animated video project. Music by Johannes Mittl and me as "34 Brothers". The topic of aliens listening, communicating, and finally visiting, is the constant source of the early works of Johannes and me. Back then condensed in our very first little album called "Listeners in Space". Here you can see the music video

Musik for Theatre


The most important fact: we did a German schlager song! So, this is what it feels like when life goals got fulfilled. Capture that, Jasmin. Music and sound design together with Johannes Mittl as "34 Brothers". Play written by Thomas Melle; directed by Maria Victoria Linke.

Music for Theatre

"Gloomy Sunday" or "Ein Lied von Liebe und Tod"

Sound design, playbacks and mixing in assistance for Johannes Mittl. (Screen)play written by John von Düffel; Directed by Uta Koschel.

Music for Theatre

"1001 Koran"

Playback music and sound design with and for Johannes Mittl and Samuel Braun in their wonderful play. Here a critic at tsüri.ch

Bands and Brands

To handle my colossal need for artistic activity and to help me organising the masses of fans (double-digit!), I got myself some extra channels.

"Youth & Rain"

Youth & Rain is a sweet little label for music, film, and everything artful what finds us. Created by me and only me. Maybe I got some help. Can't remember.

Link to Y&R

"34 Brothers"

Me and my beloved friend Johannes Mittl formed a band called "34 Brothers". We are creating mainly music for theatre and film but also sci-fi-ish releases like our first EP "Listeners in Space" and experiments like "Flighty Eyes".

Link to the website of 34 Brothers on Y&R

"Pravi Lopov"

2009 I started producing and performing electronic music as "Pravi Lopov". Since then I got more boring, doing short movies and installations. Nevertheless, Pravi Lopov is still dropping tracks (see link)! Also, once in a blue moon, he appears in some South-German techno club, deejaying, drinking and ignoring his age.

Link to the website of Pravi Lopov on Y&R


Johanna Bajohr

Stage/Costume Designer, Video Artist & wonderful human beeing.

Link to her website

Johannes Mittl

Musician/Composer & wonderful human beeing.

Link to his website

Emma Lou Herrmann

Video Artist & wonderful human beeing.

Link to her website

Daniel Jordan

Editor & wonderful human beeing.

Link to his website

Max Schumayer

3D Artist & wonderful human beeing.

Link to his website

Emiliano Ruggiero

Musician/Video Artist & wonderful human beeing.

Link to his website


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Information in accordance with Section 5 TMG

Jasmin Kruezi
Sound & Computer Graphics
70372 Stuttgart

E-Mail: contact@jasminkruezi.de
Internet address: www.jasminkruezi.com


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